Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Karma is One's Just Desert 因果是自作自受

Above: Mixture of colored threads and bits of cloth!
Below: Filled with variants of incense powder and a thick length of incense stick is inserted as lighter.
Above: The mini stupa being use for smoke offering!
Doing smoke offering with the Casket Seal Dharani stupa & 6 realms vajra mantra mandala!
Isn't it real great! :)
Below: Names of participants & their addresses written inside the stupas!
You can participate by registering these stupas for Smoking Offering too!
For Smoke Offering only - 
Each mini incense stupa is SGD 12/- 

Morning session for Buddhas & Boddhisattvas &
Evening session for your Karmic foes!

Haha! To Understand GM Lu or Buddha Dharma, you need to do offering to Root Guru and all Divinities AND also
to your karmic foes to clear your karmic hindrances too!
Sales talk?
If you believe it so! :)

    Therefore, once when VM Jing-xiang said to me: Shizun, others offering of gifts and money to you, younever received?

    I said to her that I have never care, she said: Funny! Why don't you care, these are offerings from others meant for you.

    I said: These money although I didn't spend, also have people go spend.

    I don't whether she understand these or not?

    This statement is talking about Equality.

    Most people think that this is mine, how can let others spend my money?

    But in Shizun's eyes, money that I don't spend, will have others to spend, is of same value.

    Do not differentiate between you and me, as long as this money are offered with 
    发心: bodhicitta-samutpada, that is enough!



      This is Shizun's statement for Wisdom of Equality.

      Summary: When you do not think of Good or Evil, you will discover that Sentient Beings are very lovable, watching their Fixation, their Good & Evil, their mindset of differentiation/segregation, their various emotions and actions like joy anger sorrow happiness crying jumping; you will feel it is Fun Play.


      Treating them as Fun Play, then slowly guide them to Drop Fixation, Worries, Suffering, Pain and give them Happiness.

The article Wisdom of Equality was written by GM Lu in 1996 - 8 -10!
I use it for my Morning lesson on Saturday, October 20, 2012 06:58!
And now, 2017 Jan, GM 's article has almost 21 years of existence! 


And do you understand what GM Lu meant by: 
    [These money although I didn't spend, also have people go spend.]?

    Think Deeply! 
    And I shared this article in this blog on 20 October 2012, more than 4 years!
    Anyone is aware that GM taught me to Observe how lovable sentient beings go about their daily routines creating suffering for themselves?
    Also I wrote into the ilovegm forum that those allegedly for or against GM Lu, are sentient beings that I am on standby to succour when affinity arises!
    These beings are One & the Same! 

    I have been watching you play all these whiles! 
    You can take your time and continue to languish in Sentient Mud or grab GM Lu's hand that is always extended out to help you, if you but see it!

    Me? O! I am a by-stander and only move when GM Lu instructs! 

    Look through all the FUN I had watching you and sharing my Observations too! 

    With Metta

    Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
    Lama Lotuschef

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