Thursday, January 12, 2017

有趣的磁场 Interesting Auras

Aura of an Individual, reveals this person's current situation or Karmic status!
It also reveals the Past lives of this person, that have the most Karmic negative influences too!

Remember GM Lu said a Buddha can read 500 lifetimes Before & after of an individual?

I met this person who has an interesting aura, that I kept "scanning"!
Then I mulled over it for the rest of the day! :)
A bright shining aura and one of great leadership and entrepreneurship!
Was thinking that this person will be good husband material too! :)
Ah! But he is married and with family already!

This was a chance meeting at a Supermarket.
The subject is one that I wished to meet this trip to Medan!
But he was unable to attend Medan's event due to an out of town business commitment.
Well, before I leave for Medan, GM Lu instructed me to meet this person.

First glance - A person from Harsh-lands of the North.
I told him that he has links of being from Taiwan or Northern China - Manchuria...
His eyes are sad and a little melancholy.
He said that he has 7 nights of consecutive dreams of his various past lifetimes!
He has been a moslem, christian, buddhist, but none in India yet.
He also seen his widespread and indiscriminate slaughter of many in cold-blood or without remorse.

I said like the Northern neighbors of China, they craved the Riches & Luxuries of the South. And in the name of vying for the survival of their family's livelihood, they used violence to seize what they crave and desire!

As for India, he was a white skin northerner that tortured the dark skins to the extend of killing them!

O! He also hid into Monkhood, in order to run away from his karmic foes!
And he has the Monkhood look too, currently!
I told him that hiding into Monkhood but not sincerely apologising and repenting serves him no purpose in his previous lifetime.
So if he intends to repeat the Monkhood trick, won't work anymore.

My advice was to be charitable and the simplest is to share a Smile!
And until he exhibit a sad and also crying look, can't do anything for him at the present moment.
I mean that he knows of his past sins, but not sincerely and actively correcting these sins yet.

Another was a marriage prospect!
A grown adult but has the aura of a playful kid!
Not good husband material!

I enjoyed the Medan trip very much!

Wenshi from me?
Really depends on your Affinity level with Buddha!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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