Monday, January 2, 2017

又是问事 Consultation Again!

  • 3-1-2012 问事 Consultation
  • 業力的恐怖 ( 1 )
    我問師兄說.有遇過那麼多的.....師兄說沒有耶.我說不就破紀錄.此時師姐也不斷的在打咯.師兄說佛菩薩在幫她清身上的穢氣. 而此時對方的一位代表說.你殺我全家 你要怎要跟我算啊.此時師兄跟我們大家說.師姐是清末民初的一位將軍.是屬於某派系***大將軍底下的一位將軍.因當時戰亂.擁兵權者各自雄霸一方.所以當時師姐的前世.也殺了不少人.但是不是他殺的.但是命令是他所下的.所有一切的業障大部份都是算在他的頭上

    Francesca Poon 师兄,请听师尊的就好!自殺而死 - 重罪。


    “自然可以在夢中或是定中得見"??? 自然??? 師尊真的是太偉大! 所以听师尊的就够了。 阿弥陀佛!

    Francesca Poon 这个同门梦见一个前世,他是男生。 他杀了一座山的居民。 念百字明咒,有忏相。梦见很多黑色的虫子从下身涌出来。再跟着3x108遍,忏悔+还净, 就梦到自己如何犯下罪业。 试试吧!
    The above went to consult some fellow student alleged to be able to Yoga with a certain Divinity and able to communicate with the Karmic Negatives attached to a person.

    [Dharma brother said to me to leave this couple of fellow Dharma students alone, and stay as far away from them as possible. Best do not go to their residence.]
    Dear readers, a person able to Yoga with Divinities and not spirits, have the "power" to help and not use Force to Purge Karmic Negatives, correct?
    All Divinities are Wise & Compassionate and would not make any sentient beings unhappy by taking sides because of material rewards, am I correct?
    These students are living in Taiwan and can easily write to GM and seek GM's help.
    Why do they go consult fellow student and believe in them?
    This is also their Karmic influences which lead them to those paths.
    Telling them to stay away from the couple with high Karmic negatives is not a TRUE YOGI.
    Hahaha! A True Yogi will teach all to compassionate chant & dedicate to help these couple and also teach this couple how to neutralize their Karmic negatives by Saying Sorry & Paying Debts.

    Well the above was another similar to Sam!
    See how easy preys are mortals?

    This one attracted many fellow students by Word of Mouth of his clients!

    Are you guilty of helping these Dark masters/practitioners Propagate their Dark Arts or Evil ways?

    See, how much good intent warnings were shared by me?

    Too bad if you didn't believe me!

    Body Speech Mind covers the written form too, by the subject in question!

    With Metta

    Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
    Lama Lotuschef

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