Wednesday, September 7, 2016

燃燈佛 Dīpankara Buddha


This Buddha is one in the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra that all GM Lu's students are taught to chant daily! >>










Dīpankara (Sanskrit and Pali Dīpaṃkara, "Lamp bearer") is one of the Buddhas of the past. He is said to have lived on Earth one hundred thousand years ago.

Theoretically, the number of Buddhas having existed is enormous and they are often collectively known under the name of "Thousand Buddhas".
Each was responsible for a life cycle.
According to some Buddhist traditions, Dīpankara was a Buddha who reached enlightenment eons prior to Gautama Buddha, the historical Buddha.

Generally, Buddhists believe that there has been a succession of many Buddhas in the distant past and that many more will appear in the future; Dīpankara, then, would be one of numerous previous Buddhas, while Gautama was the most recent, and Maitreya will be the next Buddha in the future.

Chinese Buddhism tends to honor Dīpankara as one of many Buddhas of the past. Dīpankara, Gautama, and Maitreya are "the Buddhas of Three Times".

Pure Karma Event
Mini Fire Puja

Date: Thursday, Kamis — September 15, 2016

Venue: Singapore

Yidams 本尊:
White Maha Padmakumara, The Great Auspicious Vajra
大白莲花童子, 大福金剛
Golden Mother of Celestial Yao Pond 瑤池金母

Guest Yidams 嘉宾:
燃燈佛 Dīpankara Buddha
Yellow, White, Black, and Green Jambhalas
黃财神, 白财神, 黑财神, 綠财神
Ganesha 欢喜天红财神
Manohara Vasudhara 勾財天女
Mahakala 大黑天瑪哈嘎拉

Celebrating :
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
燃燈佛诞 Dīpankara Buddha 农历八月二十二日 22nd day of 8th Lunar Moon.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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